Friday, 1 November 2013

Drinking the Kool Aid

 Story of the Day

Whether you are member of a group, association, cult, club, religious sect , band or business, have you ever sat back and thought how did I get here? Was it a friend, family member, a chance encounter, like it happens in the movies or a charismatic leader who's words touched a string in your heart? Take a few minutes and imagine what it would be like, if you didn't take that job, or go on that weekend retreat and have an affair with the pastor, or you decided against leaving your hometown on the midnight Greyhound bus because you were mad at your best friend. Do you remember the day you found God or decided there couldn't possibly be one? What would it be like if never tried Coca Cola or marijuana? Do you remember the day you discovered you had a passion for something or the day you decided you were really, really good at something? Or the day you felt an enormous sense of accomplishment and a sense of pride as you looked around your peers or group? The day you felt part of something, like you belonged, that this is where you should be and a collective force of energy and everyone pulling in the same direction, with a common purpose, it feels pretty good right there. Somebody pass me another glass of Kool Aid please.............

 Song of the Day

Dixie Chicks - There's Your Trouble

Link of the Day

The Daily Record UK - Great Halloween Pictues

Special Mention

Lonely Oak Radio

Hash Tags of the Day

#bookletsraleigh #bookletsdurham #bookletschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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