Thursday, 31 October 2013

Good Dead People - Hallow's Eve

Story of the Day

Celebrating death is a little contrary to popular opinion and belief, but I can honestly say that most of the gut wrenching laughs, other than those chemically induced, have been at wakes or funerals. As you  prepare to scare today and remember those passed, or as you trick or treat with your bottomless wine glass, take a moment to put all of this into perspective. It would be horrible if you lived forever, what if you had to see your parents or Auntie Maude at age 160? Or everyone lived to be at least 90? Where would the fun be in that? I remember when my father died on All Saints Day, for those of you who knew him, the irony of all ironies...... but he had the last laugh, died quick and easy. As you are chomping your way through your candy corn tonight, think of all the good people you knew that have passed, think of all the things that made you laugh when you were around them and enjoy the experience if you can.  Remember when you cried, when you were scared or when you were comforted by the people that are no longer with us. There have been many good dead people in this world and there will be many more, this is what makes life urgent and exciting, drives us to do great things, provides us with enough fear to relish everyday. This is Hallow's Eve, go on, put on your skeleton costume and enjoy yourself, go scare the living daylights out yourself and have a good laugh, at all the people you used to know.

Song of the Day

Crazy C - Not A Joke

Link of the Day 

Special Mention

Hash Tags of the Day

#posterprintingraleigh #posterprintingdurham #posterprintingchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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