Story of the Day
As the train gathered up speed heading north, we settled in by pulling out the Sunday Review section of the Telegraph. The food critic's name escapes me at this time, but perhaps he will recognize himself and get in touch. The picture of the new Pizza Hut Cheeseburger Pizza, looked fairly ghastly, I will say right now after all of it's publicity I do want to try a slice, just so I can say I am not a food snob. I have to say it was a brutal review, probably helping fuel sales, it would not surprise me to learn that it was part of an overall marketing strategy and as conspiracy theories go this I would imagine, is pretty low on the totem pole. As brutal and entertaining as the review was, it was entertaining, I think the opportunity to ignore these attempts to cause a scandal, and such fake outrage, should not be missed. Death by corporate malaise, the everlasting effect on thousands of children, that after tasting one of these types of products will be sentenced to a life of obesity and misery. Abundance, should not be confused with want and need, there are plenty who are still starving and they should be reviewed with outrage until there are none of them left. We don't need to make more food to throw away or to rub the nose of the hungry in it any longer. So rise up with you silence and do not give in to this obvious and proverbial provocation and oh, by the way enjoy your side salad.
Song of the Day
Thomas Rhett - It Goes Like This
Link of the Day
Pizza Hut - 3000 Calorie Pizza - Enjoy
Special Mention
Lonely Oaks Radio
Hash Tags of the Day
#postersraleigh #postersdurham #posterschapelhill #telepathicgraphics
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