Monday, 11 November 2013

Ask The Question

Story of the Day

Flying on a long haul flight can be a little challenging from time to time. 8 hours or more in a confined space with people you don't know or want to know for that matter can make it just about unbearable. You can hear the collective cry of  ' let me out of here! ' Hopefully the destination will be worth the hassle of getting there. The funny thing about public transport, from security, buying tickets and getting your part of the service, is that affects each person differently, depending on whether they got a taxi, had a connecting flight or took the train to the plane. One of the things I like after about the fourth hour of the flight, when you have watched the movie, read a few chapters of a book you are not really into, had some very average food and listened to some great music you have on your MP3 is you actually have time to think. What are you doing with your life? How are things going at work, at home, the kids and then the inevitable question that always arises is: What do other people actually think about what I am doing? Am I having a positive impact on their lives, paying enough attention to them, doing a good job at communicating. Some people will always volunteer the feedback no matter how unsolicited, usually in the form of criticism, but that is part of life. On another note, I have found that most people are quite relieved that you value them enough, to engage them in a conversation about how you are doing. So if you want to know, ask the question, you might be pleasantly surprised by the answer. Happy Monday.

Puzzle of the Day
Answer from 11/08/13 was 6

Please email the answer to the next number in the sequence,
answer tomorrow

13, 17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, 97, 107, 113, 

Song of the Day

Air Crash Detective - My Time

Link of the Day

The Target Report - Donnelly buys CGX

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Hash Tags of the Day

#offsetraleigh #offsetdurham #offsetchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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