Thursday, 14 November 2013

Breaking Bad - Work Ethic

Story of the Day

Finding the time on my recent travels to catch up on the missing episodes of Breaking Bad, I take my hat off to Netflix for allowing me to watch as many episodes as I can stay awake for. The gruesome, but very entertaining series is a masterpiece in television and work ethic. The characters are easy and well cast in their roles, but work extremely hard to make evil be as normal as possible. From the writers stand point they have worked hard not to take the unbelievable story line or the obvious route on some of the plots. Fantasy worlds are often very de-tatched and lazy. I find that often with folks who write blogs, post to the internet or who go for the cheap shot. I think we should all take a leaf out of the Breaking Bad series, no I don't want you to cook meth or shoot anyone, but make a pledge that your content and the engagement of your readers and followers will be of sufficient interest. Don't take the easy route or take the cheap shot just because your nervous twitch wants you to post something. Take a day off, recharge your creative energy and work hard to create, most of us are hackers with very little talent, but we can be great. Research your thoughts, create some discord, reach the back of the room with your voice. Don't be disappointed with the reaction of those around you, you might not get the buzz and adulation you are looking for, as you develop your skills, but people always respect a hard working person, no matter how annoying they are.

Puzzle of the Day
Answer from 11/12/13 was 98

Please email the answer to the next number in the sequence,
answer tomorrow

How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000? (only use addition)

Song of the Day

Senses Working Overtime -XTC

Link of the Day

Take a Pet to Work Day -WRAL

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Hash Tags of the Day

#directmailraleigh #directmaildurham #directmailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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