Story of the Day
As November draws to a close, or Movember as it has become known around the office, we have 6 committed to going for a prostate or colon inspection. I personally would like to tear my face off but with only a few days left, I will grin and bear it. One of the ironic things that has happened, is the reaction of those in the target group are either unfazed or completely terrified. Those who on the other side generally have an evil laugh, but do show some empathy as many have been saved from further trauma by early intervention. Those too young and most females are full of ridicule is the best possible way of course. As I like to point out we went pink for the cause, without any fuss, so perhaps a little quid pro quo would be nice. For those of you who are still procrastinating it's time to get off the fence because it will be another year before we have to grow those criminal looking things on our faces again. Speaking of which, I have noticed a change in how people react to me, currently, I do have the deranged look of a crazed killer and I understand that slight fear factor that I project. One of the best things that has happened about changing my appearance, is I have now extended my thoughts to all walks of life and become less judgmental at least for the short term, I am trying to look past the book cover, and see what is inside.
Bob Boyle
A Little Something To Bend Your Mind
Who makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it?
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Fun link of the Day
Song Stuck in my Head
Johnny Marr - There Is A Light
A Very Special Mention
#mailraleigh #maildurham #mailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics
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