Friday, 29 November 2013

A Day Off

Story of the Day

I wonder who invented structure? Do you feel a little strange when your day is not completely laid out for you? Where there is nothing you absolutely have to do, except take the dog out and feed the kids? A day where you can't be late for something, potter around for hours on end, finish reading the newspaper, drink an extra beer, no where to go. All the chores are done and you are completely caught up on all the reports that you were behind on, you have finished building the flat box furniture that came weeks ago, re-seeded the lawn for next year, planted the bulbs so that spring will be colorful, had the car repaired, waxed and polished, took the trash out, changed all the light bulbs that have burned out, not from over use, but from the inability to turn them off, re-painted the front room the right color, went to the store again because you let the paint brushes dry out again. Washed the windows, pruned the bushes, put up the Christmas lights, folded the laundry, took the kids to their sleepover, went grocery shopping, went to the gym, took the dog out again. When do I go back to work again? I think I need a rest.

Bob Boyle

A Little Something To Bend Your Mind

Chrome Book - 25 Questions

Fun link of the Day 

College Humor

Song Stuck in my Head

My Morning Jacket - Rocket Man
A Very Special Mention

Lonely Oak Radio

Hash Tags of the Day

#bannersraleigh #bannersdurham #bannerschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Re - Inventing the Caveman

Story of the Day

As November draws to a close, or Movember as it has become known around the office, we have 6 committed to going for a prostate or colon inspection. I personally would like to tear my face off but with only a few days left, I will grin and bear it. One of the ironic things that has happened, is the reaction of those in the target group are either unfazed or completely terrified. Those who on the other side generally have an evil laugh, but do show some empathy as many have been saved from further trauma by early intervention. Those too young and most females are full of ridicule is the best possible way of course. As I like to point out we went pink for the cause, without any fuss, so perhaps a little quid pro quo would be nice. For those of you who are still procrastinating it's time to get off the fence because it will be another year before we have to grow those criminal looking things on our faces again. Speaking of which, I have noticed a change in how people react to me, currently, I do have the deranged look of a crazed killer and I understand that slight fear factor that I project. One of the best things that has happened about changing my appearance,  is I have now extended my thoughts to all walks of life and become less judgmental at least for the short term, I am trying to look past the book cover, and see what is inside. 

Bob Boyle

 A Little Something To Bend Your Mind
  Who makes it, has no need of it.
  Who buys it, has no use for it.
  Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
  What is it? 

Please email answers to

Fun link of the Day

Song Stuck in my Head
Johnny Marr - There Is A Light

A Very Special Mention

#mailraleigh #maildurham #mailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I have always been taught this season is about giving and being thankful. As I have done a little research on our "First Thanksgiving" this year I have learned quite a bit. Where the tradition started and where it is now are in my opinion two separate beliefs. I am thankful that the tradition that I have come to love over the years is that of happiness and family. This also helps me remember those who are not as fortunate as I may be. Too often throughout my day do I think "if only I could...things would be better". I never take the time to say, "I am blessed to be where I am". I think we should take this time and instead of stress and worry about the nonsense of our lives, start living like there may not be another day and we have to make the best of it. Too many times do I see people standing on the side of the road with a sign and immediately think "they should just go get a job". I am so quick to judge without knowing their background or who they really are. I do however always think of how sad it is that they feel that they have no other choice but to basically hold a target that states "judge me". I am sorry that this is a little deep so early but as I sit here this morning after reading these articles I just wanted to voice how important it is to remember we do have it good in this country. I am thankful for the privileges that I was brought up with and the people that have been in my life to teach me to have a soft heart. I feel compelled to give to those less fortunate this season and I hope that you will also.. I hope to bring this into my everyday life as the year ends and a new one begins. I am going to start with the company I work for, Telepathic Graphics. We will be holding a celebration on January 9th, 2014 and there we will also be taking donations of clothing, which started as a "bring your sweaters you may not have wanted from that loving Aunt of yours"...I personally loved the idea because this will happen to most of us! I hope to turn this donation into something much more and together as a company and community I hope we can bring  clothing and our unneeded things collecting dust in attics so that someone else can appreciate them like we once did. So I ask you this year to take a step back and be thankful for everything you have. I know I sure will. I hope you all have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

A little something to bend your mind
  Who makes it, has no need of it.
  Who buys it, has no use for it.
  Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
  What is it? 

Please email answers to
 Answer to 11/27 
He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st.

Fun link of the Day
Crazy Facts of Life 

Song Stuck in my Head  
 Bob Marley- Red Red Wine

A very special mention
 Air Crash Detectives

#signsraleigh #signsdurham #signschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Story of the Day 

 I want to know who hasn't broken a phone once or twice?  I however just so happen to have broken close to ten since I was about 12 years old when I received my first cell phone, which would look somewhat closer to an even too large walkie-talkie these days.. Unfortunately yesterday added to that long list of brokenness. I hate the feeling of not being able to call someone when I need to or look up something on an App if I am curious.. When I was without a cellphone yesterday I felt very strange. Like I was missing a shoe.. or forgot a coat in the middle of winter. How funny the feeling of dependency on something that is relatively new technology. As I was writing directions to the nearest Sprint store I couldn't help but to chuckle trying to think back to the last time I wrote anything down! Everything is on a computer or phone. Where would we be without the World Wide Web? (I for one would probably have a different job seeing how mine revolves around it, haha.) A study done in the UK shows that out of 1000 people 66% of them were afraid to be without their cells phones and 41% says they have more than one. Also in the recording some of the people have what is called "Nomophobia" and they are actually scared to be out of contact with people via a mobile device. How interesting this new age technology has become! Everyday I find myself being challenged by something new and exciting.. Now my latest challenge will be to keep my phone in one piece..

Puzzle of the Day

 When asked about his  birthday a man said,
"The day before yesterday I was only 25 and next year I will turn 28."
This is true only one day in a year - when was he born?

Please Email the answer to

The answer to 11/22
Link of the Day

Plastic Jelly Fish?!

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Song of the Day

Air Crash Detectives- The Star That Shines

Hash Tags of the Day

#Printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Monday, 25 November 2013

Quirky Traditions

Story of the Day 

 As the Thanksgiving holiday creeps near one of my favorite parts is hearing about quirky family traditions, as there are quite a few out there. Most traditions I read about were activity based and seeing how the holiday is mostly based around food it would seem people try and incorporate at least a little physical activity before the food-coma sets in. Some of these traditions have been handed down generations, such as listening to the same song on a radio station at a certain time every year and other traditions being relatively new as family is ever-growing.. Anything to bring the everyone together and remind them they are not alone. I grew up in  a rather large family and every year before Christmas we draw names for stockings. This may not seem too "quirky" to an outsider but as we met tonight it would seem to be taking to the definition. This tradition entails that everyone chooses a couple names out of a pile so no one is left with the grueling task of buying an individual gift for everyone. In the years passed this would only take minutes whereas tonight it took hours. Who would have thought having spouses and children would complicate stockings?! So there we are in the middle of Starbucks laughing and cutting up, turning heads and not caring. Definably, Quirky. I am so thankful for my family and our traditions which are the glue that holds us together. Do you have any quirky or even not so quirky family traditions? Please feel free to tell! Whether it be Mexican dinner the night before or bowling the day after, we all have a tradition of some sort. My favorite being the breaking of the wish-bone, I for one have my thinking cap on! I hope everyone is enjoying their preparations leading up to Thanksgiving! :) 
Puzzle of the Day

Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.

Please Email the answer to
The answer to 11/22
 If Sam or Alex had 1 or 10, then they would have solved it straight away. But neither did.

But when Alex discovered that Sam didn't know, he went from not knowing to knowing. So Alex must have had a number where Sam's
answer was crucial.

If Alex had 2, then Sam could have 1 or 3 - and the crucial answer "I don't know your number, either" would have ruled
out 1, leaving 3 as the other number (Solution: 2 and 3)
Now, if Alex had 3, then he would expect Sam to have either 2 or 4. But if Sam had 2, Sam could have guessed the answer already (because Alex had already said he didn't know, so could not have had 1). When Alex discovers that Sam also doesn't know, he can rule out 2 as the answer. (Solution: 3 and 4).

Exactly the same arguments work at the other end of the range, providing the other two solutions: (Solution: 9 and 8) and (Solution: 8 and 7)

Link of the Day
Border Collie Learns Grammar!

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Song of the Day
Follow Me- Uncle Kracker

Hash Tags of the Day

#Printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Friday, 22 November 2013

Mind over Music

Story of the Day 

 “Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining..” I can’t help but to hum as it is being burned into my mind yet again, along with all the other Christmas tunes around November every year. Then start the thinking of Christmas lists and how many days I have left to shop for what and who overwhelm me while leaving my sister’s after a get together she was holding. She had been playing the beloved tunes all night and without any conscious decision the talk of stockings and desserts and presents arose. Isn’t it insane, the influence music has along with the stronghold on your soul? So it has been told, that retailers use Christmas music as a tactic to lure shoppers into topping off their budget this time of year. This in my case always proves itself to be viable information. Oh, the power of tapping into the subconscious. I am sure there is not one person who hasn’t fallen to the influence, perhaps as you are driving in the car on the way home getting worked up as is, you realize the music on the radio is not helping your situation, you switch it and all of a sudden your heart rate lowers and you feel significantly better. Funny how that works huh? I for one choose either Classical or Reggae while driving, per the safety of others. I have loved music as long as I can remember. It has always had an impact on my life and has been the one thing I can turn to without judgment. Whether it is a first date, cruising in the car, prom or a wedding, music will always set a mood. I, for one would be lost without it. If you haven’t taken the time to appreciate it lately I would try to find some.  

Puzzle of the Day

A Teacher thinks of two consecutive numbers in the range 1 to 10, and tells Alex one of the numbers and Sam the other.

Sam and Alex
have the following conversation:
Alex: I don't know your number.
Sam: I don't know your number, either.
Alex: Now I know!

Can you find all 4 solutions?
Please Email the answer to
The answer to 11/21
13 is the max number of people that could be in a row
Link of the Day

Music in pictures

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Song of the Day
Isreal Kamakawiwo'Ole- Over the rainbow/ What a wonderful world

#Printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Dig Deep!

Story of the Day

What a strange but familiar feeling it is, the fear of the unknown. I read an article today about a man starting a business in the early years of the World Wide Web. He was so unsure of himself and said that he “honed a healthy bit of paranoia” during this time of his life. As I embark on a new chapter to my life everything seems to be changing. Not just one little aspect of it, but the entire thing. They say that becoming a parent is a life changing experience, but I had no idea that I would feel the pain before having even seen or felt this little miracle of life. I have spoken of ‘not stressing the little things’ and ‘taking days as they come’ but my outlook is 100% different now. I would love to get to the place where this man felt that he was finally past the paranoia and strong in his confidence. If I could just grasp one ounce of that, perhaps things would be different. As a parent to be I now have choices to make, serious, conscious choices for not only myself; something I have never been faced with before. As stress of work builds up in me I have to make the choice to step backwards and say “I can do this, I will do this.” I have to move past this paranoia and into that light at the end of the tunnel and pray to the heavens that it is not an oncoming train! To believe in myself will be the biggest obstacle that I feel I face at the moment. To reach inside and dig deep is all that I will need to do.

Puzzle of the Day

There were 100 chocolates in a box. The box was passed down along a row of people. The first person took one chocolate. Each person down the row took more chocolates than the person before, until the box was empty.

What is the largest number of people that could have been in the row?

Please Email the answer to

The answer to 11/20
3 x 4 x 4 = 48. Sadly at least two crackers must be exact duplicates of ones already made.
BUT if you could handle the sad look on people's faces, you could consider a missing item as a possible combination. This gives 4 x 5 x 5 = 100 different crackers. 40 crackers would be missing one item, 11 will be missing two, and one cracker with nothing in at all! (This solution by Eric Chen, modified by Spacklick and Nehustan.)
Link of the Day
Crazy animals found in airport           

#bookletsraleigh #bookletsdurham #bookletschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

A Little Thanks

Story of the Day

As I go through my morning routine I am looking around at all that needs to be done before Thanksgiving this year, now only a week away. Anxiety and stress consume me before I take a step backwards and breathe in deeply. The past few months have been a whirlwind of events taking us on the ultimate roller coaster of our lives, so it would seem. ‘Growing up’ they say. Perhaps that is what this is, the time wearing on us as it is more difficult than ever to get out of bed! This season does add an extra bit of stress though, which is ironic it being the giving and thanking season. Everyone so caught up in their lives and ‘what needs to be done by…’ We are all too busy to just take a step back and realize how lucky we are. The things we posses, even though some have less than others are still only possessions and there is more in life such as family. This is in my opinion being one of the best things to have. I am going to do my best to take a step back this year and realize how good I have it and stop stressing the little things because in hindsight they are exactly what they are, little. So this is my question for you, what are you thankful for this year? Whether it is a new job, new baby, hosting an event for that crazy family of yours, I challenge you to take a step back and smile at the little things instead of stress.  

Puzzle of the Day
The answer to 11/18
Last month I sent off for one of those kits which you can use to make your own Christmas Crackers. The kit contained:

Three colors of a hat: Red, Yellow and Blue
Four types of novelty: toy car, spinning top, magnifying glass and miniature hair brush
Four different types of joke slip

All the other parts were the same type. The kit contained enough bits for 50 crackers. Can I make each cracker different from all the others?

Please Email the answer to

Link of the Day

Pipe Cleaner Artists

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Song of the Day
Birdy- Skinny Love

Hash Tags of the Day

#postersraleigh #postersdurham #posterschapelhill #telepathicgraphics