Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Unpredictability of Consistency

The delivery of a product or service should at minimum be satisfying, if not joyous and exciting! The tendency these days to over re-act to imagined or perceived substandard service or products is almost obligatory, considering that most of it is a predetermined risk that has been assessed by a number crunching boffin from MIT, it's just a mathematical equation with no feelings. As technology has increased the precision and reliability of services and products, we often look stunned when they fail, especially in an airport or at an amusement park. The idea that someone is going to upset your perfect day with something unpredictable is almost inconceivable to at least a couple of generations. There are those who are wishing for something unpredictable because their lives are models of consistency but that is another story all together. In reality the quality and consistency of products and services delivered day in and day out, from heat and light, to gas or diesel, to cars, to major sporting events, to the food chain is almost stunning and truly a modern marvel. All we really need now is for someone at MIT to create an algorithm that will take the unpredictability and frustration out of the response to failure, yes we know you are good, yes we know we are a captive audience, but when it fails, can we program a computer chip, that can be inserted into CEO and customer service alike, that will make them pick up the phone in less than 17 minutes and actually address the failure like they care!

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