Every time a young person celebrates a birthday, it reminds me of how lucky they are. With relative peace in the world, save for the odd terrorist and a country marauding as the world's policeman, in perspective, we are the peace generation, bound by technology and with that, the opportunities are unprecedented. The advances in food technology, personal engineering and health are making life almost pleasant. Almost 5 billion people are with gadgets of some sort and enjoy the fruits of their labor in some way shape or form. Let's not take Mother Earth for granted, because she has a habit of giveth and then very quickly taketh away either through wind, shaking or storm. Life expectancy has increased dramatically in many parts of the world , so I think Mother Earth deserves a round of applause, for providing an outstanding array of culinary delights, spectacular shelter and some of the best alcohol ever known to man. The new body parts, medicines and skin treatments can make you feel good way beyond your years, you might look a little funny, but hey, you can't have everything. The ability to visit the far corners of the earth have also enhanced our understanding of the privilege we now assume. I think we now have the ability to engage in some long term projects, as once did some of the great artists, constructors, writers and visionaries. The biggest difference this time, is the person with the idea will probably get to see their idea come to fruition, see the project finished. Could you imagine building some of the world's great wonders and never seeing the finished product............ Fortunes are waiting for you out there, go enjoy them and live long.
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