Today is an exciting day, after many years of trying to pen a country farce song, I finally get to give it a shot. I remember hearing Kenny Rodgers, with his 400 hundred children and his crops in the field, thinking how did his poor wife, manage to have that many children? It wasn't until years later that I discovered it was only 4 hungry children, but by that time the damage had been done. I always find the difference between learning and understanding, a very humbling experience. It is amazing how much you absorb over the years, without ever really understanding it. The notion that we become passing experts on subjects that we hear a 30 second sound byte on and dismiss experts who have 20 years experience in the field, because we think for some reason that being a paid expert, is something less valuable than a layman's honest to goodness opinion. Or some blogger who is trying to take the Fox news model on to the web, with some kind of shock blog therapy, it just becomes a farce. So that is the thing I like about country music, it was sang by people who had an opinion, but always knew that life was more of a farce and did not take it so seriously, I mean once you have lived through a drought, a flood, a hurricane or a dust bowl, what else can someone do to you, real life always conspires against you, like a war in the middle of your youth, talk about drawing the short straw or what!
At the end of the day, when we all fade away
To the ashes and dust where we came [ from ]
There was one shot of whiskey and one string of pearls
It's just a song about a boy who meets a girl
Wish me luck!
Digital Printing/Raleigh/
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