Optimism is the life blood of daily enthusiasm. It gets the adrenalin pumping and creates some excitement with in your circle of friends, co-workers or a new found social media acquaintance. The joy of learning something new or discovering something you knew you knew, but forgot and found it again, can be quite rewarding. The way that I have always attacked boredom is to set high expectations of myself and those around me. Do I enjoy the challenge of creating intense situations because it adds some vitality to the proceedings and a little stress makes you sweat, of course! I will chill out when I am on vacation or dead. Intensity, will build comradery, and life long senses of accomplishment, of being in the trenches with your friends, they have your back, they care and pulling together with a common purpose. The fire, the passion, and the energy, makes you want to do it everyday, like a new adventure, a new job or a new lover, sensory overload, coming at you every minute of everyday. Eventually the groove kicks in and it becomes routine, you are awesome at what you do, pleasant and professional. The highs get lower and lows get higher and then complacency sets in. The contempt, the apathy and the full circle of life smacks you right between the eyes like the proverbial 2x4. This ordinary life confounds and pretends, delivers and removes all those high expectations with alarming regularity and fun. It's the only downside I can find
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