Friday, 28 February 2014

Still in Denial ? - 2014

The snow is almost gone, it has almost stopped raining! Global warming anyone? Anyone want to buy beach property on the eastern seaboard or in the west country of the UK? The fantastic thing about history is that patterns emerge, arguments are disproved,disputes become fact, and even the most blinded or bigoted knucklehead accepts that things are changing. Smoking is bad for you, as is alcohol, medical marijuana is bad for you, too much food, bad, bad, bad! Predictability is good for business and investment. Low interest rates translates to another person hired. More spent on goods and services that are local and available. Greed is bad, so is fracking but probably better than buying oil from Saudi Arabia, now we are into degrees! Is one evil less or more necessary? Are women's rights more or less important than having power for your iPad? Imagine you could only use your iPad if you had to wear a veil or you had to drink a glass of murky well water while you found your favorite song on iTunes. How would you like a mercury laden electronic graveyard in your backyard? Bad! House prices on the rise again! Bad! As we begin to show signs of stability and economic recovery are we going to let greed and the me generation take over again, create more bubbles just so a few could benefit? I have quite enjoyed the post economic meltdown days, a little humility, a little more sense of community and above all, I don't have to listen to that asshole tell me how great he is, how he did it all by himself, right before the Atlantic Ocean flattened his beach house. Still in denial anyone?

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