Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Ghosts Return

The are times when I feel like I am watching a movie, where I know all the characters intimately, because I have seen the movie at least ten times, either at the movies, on an airplane or as a re-run during an afternoon nap. What surprises me the most is I am willing the characters to do something different, even though I know they won't. In the last couple of years, I have seen a cast of characters who left the printing industry, some through age, some through health and some through circumstances beyond their control. Even after almost 30 years of the Print Industry, I must admit I am still fascinated by the daily grind and repetitiveness of the process, I find it almost soothing. I also enjoy the people who almost have a unique sense of humor that is hard to find in other industries, something will make you laugh from left field, everyday. The rumor mill is my favorite, The Gossip, like old ladies hanging out their laundry. Thanks to Mark Twain we have a phrase that suits the situation, rumors of my demise [ death ] have been greatly exaggerated. I will be here for a while. I take my hat off to all those who have left the industry and were rewarded handsomely. I welcome back all those who have returned in recent years, for another round of punishment and also those who are thinking about it. Like watching the movie re-run, I wish the ending was going to be something different, but I know it's not going to be!

Print Tip of the Day

Focus on the quality of your design and be critical and objective before you let someone else see it, they will let you know soon enough

Hash Tag of the Day

#theghostsreturn #printraleigh #telepathicgraphics

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