Thursday, 2 January 2014


Starting off a new year can be challenging for many, new resolutions and reflections can often lead to a sense of optimism that historically fades by the 7th week. The gyms start to empty out, fast food places start to fill up again and the joggers trade in their running shoes for a spot on the couch. Many have asked over the years why New Year's Day is such a big deal, I think the answer is fairly obvious, that everyone needs a marker or a checkpoint to figure out where you are at. Everyone enjoys the holidays, bar a few, and it is a time to reflect, energize and commit to changing a few things in your life. I think after a few years of trying to change many things, I concentrate on one or two and have a good sense of accomplishment if I can muster the energy and the will to stick with it. One thing I have always found about new year is the sense of optimism that prevails in all cultures and countries around the world, as the fireworks fade, the energy level seems to increase for a few weeks and there seems to be a endless barrel of hope. As people begin to filter back to work, let's see if we can harness some of that positive energy and really make a difference in our own, but more importantly other people's lives.

Print Tip of the Day

When designing with pms colors, pick the ones that convert in 4 color process, well, this will save you money when you want a short run digital job

Hash Tags of the Day

#printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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