Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Pipe in the Laughing Gas

Here we go again! Number 1 buys Number 2. The print industry is bracing itself for another round of competition as the big boys start to flex their muscles. The lean manufacturing guys are salivating at the chance to flex their Sigma 6 muscles and relieve the remainder of the humor from the last human emotion left on the shop floor. Don't get me wrong, I think there is a tremendous need to be efficient and be profitable, but is the human cost becoming too high? After recently touring a large shop in Chicago, America's print home, I was surprised at the lack of self depreciating humor that usually accompanies a visit. A little bit of mischief, a prank or even a smile would be more welcoming than the Void. Is it fatigue? Is it stress? Or just the amount of details the average print worker has to process? Or were they just clones from FutureWorld, one of the worst movies ever made, there's a couple of hours I will never get back. I feel for the folks on the shop floor, change is very difficult, but change and fear even more so. Be very afraid! Seriously though, as we create new types of jobs in manufacturing, we want the reliability of a robot without the drama of a human being. As we create these new efficiencies, oh and they are coming, do we need to pipe in the laughing gas? Will we be able to retain our sense of humor, as we deskill the task at hand and become shepherds and custodians of the machine? There is something very soothing in repetitive, manual work, it gives you good muscle tone and a sense of pride. Job done! As my old Auntie used to say, 'I don't know what I am laughing at but it was funny' Somebody pipe in the laughing gas...................

Print Tip of the Day

Imagine your design in multiple formats, whether it be web, print or banner, before you commit to it. It is much easier to be proactive, instead of reactive.

Hash Tag of the Day

#printraleigh #telepathicgraphics

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