Wednesday, 8 January 2014

One to One - Time is Free

The irony of technology is that, it is more efficient, and in theory should give you more time to pay attention to the things that matter to your customers. The ease a which we can now move huge amounts of data, on a razor thin deadline and the technology does not complain one bit and the reliability in most cases is staggering. As you begin to take the technology for granted, I wonder how much that spills over to how you treat your customers, and if they held you to the same standard as the technology, could you perform at that level, day in and day out without complaint? I think not. Take a few minutes in this New Year to focus on the person and re-engage on a one to one basis, see if you recognize the area where technology is giving you an uncompetitive advantage. The nameless, the faceless, the interpretation of the toneless email, are they happy, upset or just indifferent? A phone call may seem like an invasion of privacy these days but you may discover that a human touch and the appearance of only having time available for them, may win you a new customer base, solidify the existing customer base and spread a viral message that you do indeed have time to make it personal. Behind all great systems, are great people and for the most part they want to do a good job and satisfy the needs of their customers, but also remember that humans will blame technology for their own failings, the technology documents, does not lie, and does not hide stuff. You have to look behind the curtain and remember that human beings have a great ability to fail but they also have an enormous capacity to do great things with feelings and if you make it personal, you will be disappointed from time to time but for the most part you will feel fabulous and that somebody really, really cares. Time is free, use it wisely.

Print Tip of the Day

When selecting a font, use one that is stylish and conveys your message, make sure you can read it when it comes to the fine print!

Hash Tags of the Day

#bannersraleigh #bannersdurham #bannerschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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