Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Drinking on the Job - Happy New Year

The printing industry at one time, had the highest percentage of functioning alcoholics and drug abusers in the workforce , which made it quite hazardous to the sober, but also very funny at times. It was quite normal in the 1970's and 1980's to nip up to the pub at lunch time and have a couple of beers or one or two nips of whiskey, and then return to work. Needless to say, productivity suffered and mistakes crept in, but at least they were happy about. If you ever wondered why something was printed upside down, had typo's galore or just looked plain awful, that is probably because the workforce was either high or drunk. Just as drinking and driving became taboo, you will be glad to know that the printing industry has cleaned up it's act and passed the torch on to software and game developers and the hospitality industry. Working in a deadline industry brings it's own unique challenges but now that the technology actually works very well, we have seen a sobering of the workforce, along with a decline in the humor. There was nothing more funny than waiting for the ambulance to show up, after a drunk or high person got their hand or hair sucked into a printing press and them not realizing that this was a life changing event. 3 Fingers Johnny as he became known, would certainly attest to that at his workers comp hearing, and you could hear the sniggers from the panel when he tried to explain that he had 2 fingers left, but they nicknamed him after the 3 fingers he lost. He kept his job even though he was obviously blootered out of his mind at the time of the incident. So as you get into the festive period, have some sympathy today and tonight and perhaps a toast to all those who built an industry and have no memory of it. I take my hat off to them and am quite relieved that the industry has become less high and more sober. 

Print Tip of the Day

Designing a printed piece, while partaking in a glass of wine may seem like a good idea at the time but it is very obvious to the prepress person working on your files what you were doing!

Hash Tags of the Day

#printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Monday, 30 December 2013

Opening the Book

Is it the smell, the feel of the embossed cover, the color jumping off the page? There is something very comforting about opening the book, that future generations will not experience. Let's face it, the manufacturing of books will decline over the next decade, and the i generation will always see them as an old way of receiving information. However the book has been around for hundreds of years,  it holds a comfort level for many, it strengthens your fingers as you try to hold it up right through the most exciting pages, it stops your coffee from marking the coffee table when you are not reading it and it always attracts good speakers at a book store. Children will always get a kick out of their favorite characters rising up off the page, reading their first word or coloring over an already colorful landscape. Teachers and trainers will forever be happy that the simplicity of turning to page 57, will make their lessons go much smoother. And what would a January sale be without 10 books for 10 dollars? As physical newspapers decline into oblivion, I believe the book will thrive and survive, because the experience is more emotional and there is a great attachment to a great read, you want to feel it and touch it. I guess if we really wanted to find out how the book making industry is doing, we should ask the book shelf manufacturers, I would imagine they are still making them, just less of them and a little bit smaller.

Print Tip of the Day

When using In Design 6, please change to the subscription service, this will give you constant updates and solve the software problems in an on going manner, you won't have to wait to upgrade to a new version

Hash Tags of the Day

#bookletsraleigh #bookletsdurham #bookletschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Friday, 27 December 2013

Post Office Sticks It To Business and Consumers AGAIN!

The post office is raising it's prices again..................... WHAT! The essence of a good joke is as always timing. Another monopoly gone mad, a captive audience, poor service, low moral and government footing the bill for some ancient promise to consumers. We do not need Saturday delivery, the mail could come every other day, as long as it was in good shape when it got there. They could help consumers and especially business with rules and regulations that were friendly and easy to understand. Don't get me wrong, I admire the Post Office most days for what they accomplish, and for the most part they are pretty reliable, but there is just something really off in there business model that gives me hives when I think about it. Perhaps it's the lack or willingness to help, maybe it is too big and the face of the Post Office is just jaded, or we are so used to mediocre services from the government, that it might never change, so why bother? I don't usually get upset when people raise prices but with a rise in mail being sent for the first time in years, and with little changing on the spenders side, what in the world are they thinking? Why don't they create a product and service base that consumers and business actually want? Then you can raise the prices and pay back some of the money that is bleeding out of the system, downward spiral anyone?

Print Tip of the Day

When creating a direct mail piece, whether it's a postcard, brochure or package, contact your printer or mailing service to insure it meets Post Office regulations

Hash Tag of the Day

#directmailraleigh #directmailchapelhill #directmaildurham

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


The paper has been ripped off the gifts, the boxes have been emptied, the smiles have been photographed, the games have been played and the scores are in. One of the things the print industry and society in general has gotten better at is recycling. As labels, packaging and displays get ever more colorful, the effort to replenish the forests has seen great success, the recycled content of paper and cardboard is at an all time high, although the paper making process still lags behind, with pollution. These next few years should be crucial in finally reducing the harmful emissions and gases that paper making and it's associated industries produce. There has also been a creep of oil based products into the market and while the plastics industry have become very innovative in it's recycling products, we just have to be careful we don't end up back at the same place. The fact that we re-plant more trees than were ever removed should make us all feel better, we need to push other countries to the same level. We could conceivably have a cleaner world through the paper industry, but we are a long way off. So, this holiday season please take some time to make an effort to understand recycling and it's sustainability. From the newspapers you read, to the products you buy, to the books you read either paper or electronic, when you are done, it needs to go somewhere, be concerned as to where that is and who will be the people who are separating out all of the stuff that we would like to re-use and make ourselves feel good that we are protecting our environ.

Print Tip of the Day

If it does not look good on your screen when you create something, there is no magic print fairy who is going to come along and fix it. If you are a wannabe designer, hire a professional graphic designer, it will save you time, dollars and make you look good, all at the same time

Hash Tags of the Day

#recycle #printraleigh #postersdurham #diectmailchapelhill

Monday, 23 December 2013

Christmas Wrapping Paper

It's very bright red or green or gold with sparkles, Rudolph, Santa or a Snow Scene on the outside to hide the contents of the package. Ribbons, scotch tape, name tags and a whole lot of wrapping paper to make the present opening a very exciting experience. The thought and kindness that goes into a well wrapped present should not go un-noticed or under appreciated. The build up to Christmas Day, the tension, the excitement as presents gather and multiply under the Christmas tree is a tradition that came into being, to break the monotony of the industrial revolution, it's awesome power not to be underestimated. Please keep in mind the ones who go without and make sure you make just as big a fuss for them. The smile and the lighting of the eyes on the day for a young boy getting his favorite request, makes all the trouble worth while. Merry Christmas.

Print Tip of the Day

Please send booklets to your printer as consecutive pages, start at Page 1 for the outside front cover and continue until the end of the book, that is the outside back cover! This will avoid any page placement issues

Hash Tags of the Day

#printraleigh #printdurham #bookletschapelhill

Friday, 20 December 2013

Make It A Banner Day!

 Story of the Day

Recent studies have shown the power of banners, posters and boards to have a positive influence on enhancing your message or product. Most people associate these products with events and yes they are still the most effective way of bringing attention to a trade show, concert, art show or product launch. Builders have recently discovered that they have a massive opportunity during the building process, if done in a tasteful way, they can generate a buzz for a few dollars, by highlighting the benefits of a new community, office building or complex, on the frontage they have right in front of them. Hospitals are encouraging programs in their lobbies, for a healthier lifestyle, with pop up banners that can be easily moved around to maintain a fresh look. Restaurants are using ad boards to highlight specials and new menus, again rotating them easily. Commercial buildings are highlighting their tenants and their services in an effort to draw or cluster like business in the same office parks. How many times have you driven past a store, office, gym, development and never even realized that it existed. Imagine having a few banners, posters or boards to highlight all the good things going on, whether it be for charity, employees, products or just to make people smile for a few minutes. Use your imagination and discover the power of being seen.

Print Tip of the Day

Design to scale, think ahead for all the uses of a particular piece, a little thought before hand, can make a big difference later on

Hash Tags of the Day

#makeitabannerdayraleigh #makeitabannerdaydurham #makeitabannerdaychapelhill

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Direct Mail

Story of the Day

Direct Mail has been viewed in many different lights over the last 50 years. It has been seen as a great marketing tool, a waste of resources and a poster child for all that is wrong in the world. I look back over the years at all the things I became involved with as a result of Direct Mail and I have to say it has been a very good experience overall. Some real clangers in there as well! I have bought a house from a postcard I received, I have bought a car, I have had my oil changed, shirts dry cleaned, went on holiday, joined a gym, a soccer team, bought some music and went to see many concerts. I have checked my plumbing for leaks both internal and external and had a colonoscopy in a new doctor's  practice down the road. I have had my teeth whitened, my veins fixed, my haircut, my eyes focused and I have ordered a bizillion pizzas, chinese food etc all from a menu popping through the door. I have gone to church, bought newspaper, a computer and cable services, come to think of it, most of the entertainment I consume whether a new restaurant or bar or movie came from an announcement through my mail box. I also still enjoy getting a Christmas card and a birthday card, 29 again! I like Direct Mail, it is my friend.

Print Tip of the Day

If you have a complicated print project discuss it with your printer, before you find out it is not possible to do it exactly the way you want it

Hash Tags of the Day

#directmailraleigh #directmaildurham #directmailchapelhill

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Print More - Be Happy

 Story of the Day

The print industry is finally showing signs of life after a five year decline. I wonder if all of the electronic feeds are wearing out the most hardened eyeballs? Is the digital revolution finally so cluttered that the only way to distinguish yourself is by a good old fashioned brochure? Don't get me wrong, I love the ability to find information at lightning speed and track myself to within 20 ft on my phone but sometimes I just want to touch a piece of paper, write on it, read it and then put it in the recycle bin. I find when I am learning something new or assembling something that comes in 500 pieces, you know the ones, I really want to be able to open the manual up at page 230 or go to page 35 of the instructions without having to scroll or wait for that thing to load. I want to keep score on the golf course with my pencil and my scorecard. I love the video tours when I am going to by a house but I also want the floor plan in my hand as I am going through the rooms. I still want a concert ticket, so that I can keep the stub and show my kids that yes, I have seen the Clash, and they screw up there faces and say who? I still want an album cover, even though I don't want a CD or vinyl for my digital downloads and I still want my cereal to come in a box. Someone told me the other day, that the print industry was bigger than the car industry and I laughed, but it is true. I understand the car is here to stay, so is print. Print More - Be Happy

Print Tip of the Day

Use a standard template for a folding brochure, they have adjusted the size already to let the brochure fold correctly

#printmore #printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Suicide Swing

Story of the Day

It was very dark this morning and seemed to take forever to brighten up slightly. It was also very dark last night, early. The days are very short. The days between now and the end of February, are known in medical and psychiatric fields as the Suicide Swing. People give up right around Christmas and right before the sun comes out in March, through loneliness and depression. I forgot how dark it gets and the was one of the reasons I moved away from Scotland originally. Please keep an eye out this holiday season for anyone who is on the edge, please check on your neighbors and co-workers and make them feel like this year is a good time to keep on living, Happy Holidays

A little something to bend your mind

Scruffy Sam has put on his T-shirt. Unfortunately it is inside out and back to front. Normally the washing label is on the inside of the left sleeve. Where is it now?

email bob@telepathicgraphics.com

Answer from 12/16

A Lot
Interesting Link of the Day 

Too Much Time On Your Hands


A song stuck in my head

Air Crash Detectives - Made in America


A very special mention



Print Tip of the Day 
Proof read your job before you submit it to the printer, spell check also works well

Hash Tags of the Day

#TelepathicGraphics #bannersraleigh #bannersdurham #bannerschapelhill

Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas Time in Raleigh NC

I often find around Christmas time reflecting on the year that was. How many exciting things happened in the past year, in my family life and at the office. It has been an awesome year, I have enjoyed our move to London, England and I have enjoyed all the new employees we have in the office. The one thing I will miss is Christmas Time in Raleigh. From the parade that starts in late November or Early December, to the holiday parties that begin in early December and go right on through to the 23rd or 24th. The homemade cookies that appear almost magically, as well as some southern specials, that involve a lot of cheese, pecans and home baking. I also enjoyed the tremendous spirit of giving, for those less fortunate and the annual trip to the Durham Mission, where my children almost understand that they need to be charitable. I will find some of these things in London, but not the combination of a good southern Christmas. Season's Greetings

A little something to bend your mind

How many drinks will an employee have at a Christmas Party?

email bob@telepathicgraphics.com

Answer from 12/13

The man was is in a convertible
Interesting Link of the Day 

A Lie is A Lie


 A song stuck in my head

Arcade Fire - Reflektor 


A very special mention

The Oxford and Echelon Hospitality


Print Tip of the Day 

Prepare your files with at least 300 DPI to get the sharpest look, export PDF with press settings High Quality

Hash Tags of the Day

#TelepathicGraphics #postersraleigh #postersdurham #posterschapelhill

Friday, 13 December 2013

Powerful Music

I know I have mentioned the power of music recently but I was reading a story last night that touched my heart. It is about a young girl named Callaghan Belle who started pursuing her musical career after she saw the joy it brought to her mentally handicapped cousin. This Sunday in Michigan she will be headlining at the Axis Music Foundation's Fundraiser, the proceeds from the benefit will go towards no cost programs that the company offers to the mentally ill. The Foundations is a nonprofit organization whose every intent is to make sure underprivileged, sick or mentally ill children have the opportunity to play and learn music. Music is the language of the soul. I believe no matter who you are it speaks to you in some way. I have always had a love for music and to hear stories like this one and to know there are others who are able to bring music to children who wouldn't otherwise have it brightens my day. The positive influence that music can have is an extraordinary power. This blog today may be short and sweet but I for one will be thinking good thoughts and hoping for the best with the fundraiser on Sunday for Axis Music Foundation. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!

A little something to bend your mind
A man was shot while in his car. The person who shot him was outside of the car. However, all the windows were up and the doors locked. There were no holes in the car though.
How was he shot?

Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/12
He over swept... super cheesy I know. 

Interesting Link of the Day
1 Million Dollar "Ghost-Party"

A song stuck in my head
Air Crash Detectives-The Star That Shines

A very special mention
 Lonely Oak Radio

Print Tip of the Day 
Enhance your printed piece by choosing a unique paper for your job

#TelepathicGraphics #music #printraleigh #bookletsdurham #directmailchapelhill

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Beauty of Color

 “Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unailled with definite form, 
can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. ” 
- Oscar Wilde

I am so grateful for the ability of sight, although it isn't perfect I can still see the beauty of this world around me. Photography is something that has always caught my attention and as far back as I remember I have always loved color.. Even as the "tomboy" of the family I secretly loved the color pink and anything that would shine. I have had all types of cameras ranging from the now old-school Kodak Instant Cameras (which I would love to own again!) to just a newer digital camera today. I am most definitely what you would call an amateur but I enjoy it nonetheless. My working for a printing company has been an eyeopener in a lot of areas. Since I started on the Sign Shop side I haven't be able to look at any type of printing the same. While playing cards I notice if they weren't all cut evenly, a little to the left or right but never all exactly the same. It's funny that these things which were so easily looked over in the past are so "in my face" now. I take pride in working for a company that acknowledges the importance of the small details. I believe this is what helps us stand out in such a competitive field.The technology and talent that I am around every day helps to me see the bigger picture. It is just a huge plus that I get to work around such beautiful colors. 

A little something to bend your mind
Why was the broom late for work?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com

  Answer to 12/10
A towel

Interesting Link of the Day
Have a good laugh!

Song stuck in my head  
The Beatles- All My Loving

A very special mention
 Lonely Oak Radio

Print Tip of the Day 
Make sure to proofread your job during the Electronic proofing process.
(Waiting to proofread after a hard copy proof has been produced can cause expensive delays on press!)
 #printraleigh #postersdurham #directmailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

A (Woman's) Best Friend

 Dog's have a way of finding people who need them, 
filling an emptiness we don't even know we have.
-Thorn Jones 

My dog Tyson is about 2 1/2 years old now and I would be lost without him. Although he is an animal he is like a child to my boyfriend and I. It is crazy to look at pictures from when he was a pup.. Time sure does fly by! As he sits here with his head on my lap I couldn't resist writing about him. I can't help but to think about how good of a friend he has been to me. It has been said that animals are therapeutic and I 100% believe it. Tyson has been my angel in time of need, a shoulder to cry on when no one is around and without (being able to) say a word he always seems to make me laugh no matter how foul my mood. It is not unlikely to hear that someone would rather have 10 dogs than 1 kid because of multiple reasons I am sure but the one I hear the most is because dogs don't talk back- WELL, they haven't met my Tyson.. Boy does this dog have an opinion and he will let you know it! (In the mentioning of this I am sure to have my hands full come May..) I have always been fond of bully breeds and will never regret the day we brought Ty home. As he continues to be a wonderful part of our growing family I am excited to see him prove to those around us that no matter how bad the reputation of an animal can be that there are exceptions. I have read that pits were once called the "Nanny Dog" and am interested to see his reaction to the new baby. He has always been mild mannered around children so I am not too worried about it, the only habit I am worried about is him jumping on the bed.. As cute as he was sleeping under the covers on his back when at 5 lbs, not so much now at 75lbs+...  That is a work in progress for sure. To all of those who understand my struggle of the cute dog under covers, I know you feel my pain! Thank you for taking the time reading this and allowing me to spill my heart about my sweet dog and if you have a pet you understand. I hope everyone is having a wonderful "hump day" and that all is well!!

A little something to bend your mind
 What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com

  Answer to 12/10
Keep the first bulb switched on for a few minutes. It gets warm, right? So all you have to do then is ... switch it off, switch another one on, walk into the room with bulbs, touch them and tell which one was switched on as the first one (the warm one) and the others can be easily identified

Interesting Link of the Day
Have a good laugh!

Song stuck in my head  
Florence & The Machine- Dog Days Are Over

A very special mention
 Lonely Oak Radio

Print Tip of the Day 
When submitting artwork the resolution should be 300 DPI.

#postersraleigh #printdurham #boardschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

What do you do?


What do you do to take your mind off of work? I have a pretty standard schedule outside of work.. Go home, let dog out, clean up around the house and then go on a walk before dinner.. Nothing too exciting but not too boring either. My job is pretty fun considering I am learning something brand new everyday- never a dull moment! The knowledge of marketing online is something that will never be 100% obtained because it is so quickly evolving.. Every day brings something new and exciting to the Social Media world! I will say though it gets exhausting not giving my brain a rest. I am looking for ideas on taking my mind off of work.. Maybe a fun hobby or something you have found in your day-to-day that helps you relax when you get home. Being an expectant mom I am finding it harder to relax the farther along I get in my pregnancy and anything will help at this point! 
Or if you have any ideas dealing with Social Media Marketing my ears are open as I am relatively new to this and love advice! I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your Tuesday and I am looking forward to hearing from you!! 

A little something to bend your mind
 There are three switches downstairs. Each corresponds to one of the three light bulbs in the attic. You can turn the switches on and off and leave them in any position.
How would you identify which switch corresponds to which light bulb, if you are only allowed one trip upstairs?

Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/5

Interesting Link of the Day
Have a good laugh!

Song stuck in my head  
Air Crash Detectives- Only This Time

A very special mention
 Lonely Oak Radio

Print Tip of the Day 
Industry standard bleed is 1/8in. 

#printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Monday, 9 December 2013

Giving Back!

Wouldn't you say just about everyone's heart melts for animals? We over at Telepathic Graphics printing company have a serious soft spot for them.. Some of the ladies that work in our bindery still find time in between all of their hard work to help walk the new dogs at the Second Chance Pet Adoptions that is located in the same complex. (If that isn't a bleeding heart, I am not sure what is.) We have chosen to sponsor Second Chance for supplies that they will need to make their jobs a little bit easier to take care of those precious little ones. Too often in our day in age there aren't enough homes for them and anything we can do to make that time easier is something I am willing to give for! 
Not only do I enjoy working for a company that is willing to help animals (because lets face it- I just can't say no to them!) but I have also been given the wonderful opportunity to give back to the community through something we are calling "re-gifting for charity". 
In January Telepathic Graphics will be holding a 'Sign Shop Party' for our Sign department celebrating their ONE YEAR! Super exciting!! Through this party we came up with an idea... Everyone gets that one present every year, whether it be a scarf or sweater that they don't exactly see them selves wearing, right? So we thought "hey, why not have them bring those unwanted/unneeded things to the party and we give them to someone who does need them!" I am really excited about this because I know my closet is about to EXPLODE with all of the clothes in it that I unfortunately am not going to be able to wear for quite sometime.. So now I have a reason to go through everything and be able to give it to someone who can use and really appreciate it!
 On January 9th we are holding a donation for the Helping Hand Mission for any gently used or new clothing and/or household items. People in the company (along with anyone else willing!) will be bringing in and donating things all the way through our party in January. I am hoping that if nothing else this will bring to everyone's attention that people's need for clothing and homes for these animals is a real one! 
Are you doing anything to give back this year? Or maybe you do this year-round. Feel free to share! It's always encouraging to hear other people's stories! I hope everyone is having a Happy Monday!!

A little something to bend your mind
Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die.
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/6
The man is my son

Fun Link of the Day
Have a good laugh!

Song stuck in my head  
Bon Jovi- Wanted Dead Or Alive

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

Print Tip of the Day! 
From our CS Representatives-
Use the golden rule! "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
Make sure you that you provide all of the information for the project you would like to be printed. 
#directmailraleigh #signsdurham #regiftingforcharity #telepathicgraphics

Friday, 6 December 2013

Oh, to be a dog.

As I am in a bit of a rush this morning to get out of the door on time, I look back to see my sweet dog, Tyson laying on the bed. Of course he isn't at the foot of the bed as most magazines would perceive, he is laying on my Tempur-Pedic body pillow... the long ways. "Oh to be a dog", I thought to myself as I laughed and made him go to his room. (Yes, my dog has his own room.. I can't leave him out because he will get a little "chew happy" with my couch pillows and I am gone too long to leave him in a cramped cage.. so he is spoiled a bit. ) "Oh to stay home and sleep all day...", comes another thought as I am walking to my car. On the drive to work all I can do is think about how boring it would be to not be in the office. Even on days that I hate coming in I am always (usually) happy that I do. There are people laughing and carrying on in between the seriousness. I would miss out on the happiness and all of the little things in life that make it so wonderful to be human. I try to find happiness in places where it is usually not expected and to be able to put a smile on someones face when the air is to tense brings joy to my heart. So today I ask you if you are happy and if your immediate answer is no because you are at the office then look at the link below, find a funny joke and go read it to someone. Put a smile on someones face, I bet it will lighten your day a little! Smiles are contagious. That is a fact... AND if nothing else- IT'S FRIDAY. :)

A little something to bend your mind
Brothers and sisters I have none
but this man's father is my father's son.
Who is the man?

Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/5

Interesting Link of the Day
Have a good laugh!

Song stuck in my head  
Bob Marley-Jammin'

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

#printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Repeal Day!

December 5, 1933 marked the day that the 18th amendment was repealed! Further allowing the buying, consuming and selling of alcohol... Cheers anyone?! I for one believe this is a very important day to celebrate throughout America. Yes, there are those who abuse this right but it is a right that we have as Americans. It is one of the holidays that everyone can take part in (if you are of age, of course!) and acknowledge because it is written in our Constitution! No other holiday celebrates the laws that guarantee our rights, and Repeal Day® has everything to do with our personal pleasures.1 I started looking into other national holidays when I found out that yesterday was "National Cookie Day" which was exciting in itself! We have some pretty interesting days out there hahaha. If you have the time I would suggest looking up a calendar and (especially if you have kids) just celebrating a few each month. It gives you something to look forward to and in yesterdays case an excuse to make tons of cookies! Feel free to leave a comment about a funny or interesting day you found on the calendar! I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning to their day! 

A little something to bend your mind

What is always coming but never arrives?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/4
A stamp

Interesting Link of the Day
3-D Printing!

Song stuck in my head  
Justin Bieber- Mistletoe
Tis the season! Although I may not completely agree with some of this "Disney boy gone bad boy"'s decisions, he does have some catchy music!

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

#directmailraleigh #bookletschapelhill #printdurham #telepathicgraphics

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Organic or Conventional?

On my drive home from work, flipping through stations on the radio I hear "..sugar can give you wrinkles". This of course catching my immediate attention I turn it up to hear the woman continue to talk about how a squirt of ketchup can contain as much sugar as a slice of angel food cake! I have never thought of this fact before. I am still not sure which upsets me more, the fact that sugar gives you wrinkles or one of my favorite condiments is probably not as good for me as I thought!! I have always tried to eat healthy (within my budget) buying organic and unprocessed foods whenever possible but ketchup for whatever reason never crossed my mind on something I should be picky with. I did a little research, asked around and found out that most pesticides are used on non-organic tomatoes than any other vegetable and they are the most susceptible as well due to their soft, thin skin. How crazy! Such little details that we so often over look in our fast paced lives are so important to our health and well-being. I am not going to sit here and argue that organic is always better because that is not always the case. No matter the label on the front of something I definitely encourage reading the back one as well. I worked in the Whole Foods bakery for a while and thought it rather amusing the things people would buy just because the label said "organic". Sometimes you just have to realize a muffin is a muffin and neither are good for you... Although working around this quality of food did give me a much better understanding of things that I put in my body I still find myself forgetting how important is truly is to get educated in this area. "Your body is a temple." Hopefully I will be able to live by this and remember to do what is right for myself and my body! Please feel free to give any advice on this subject! You never can know too much about nutrition!!

A little something to bend your mind

 What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/3

Interesting Link of the Day
What babies eat around the World.

Song stuck in my head  
Gayla Peevey- I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
I am very sorry about the Christmas music if you aren't a fan but this song is truly stuck in my head! What an amazing voice!

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

#nutrition  #bookletsraleigh #telepathicgraphics

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Black Friday

I will never forget Black Friday with all the girls in my family when I was younger. Getting dragged through every single store possible.. Oh the "fun" we would have, ha ha. After a year or two my little sister and I were no longer invited, fancy that. I will always cherish those times as bitter sweet the memories may be. Although we were never the crazed people camped out in front of the stores in 25 degree weather it was still out of bed at 4am! More power to those people though! They deserve that T.V! As I am much older now I understand the tradition of us all going out and having a good time, bonding and such but as the world has evolved there is no need to go out and physically shop anymore. Based on the studies of the recent Black Friday sales, retailers weren't all too happy about the numbers and were hoping on yesterdays 'Cyber Monday' sales to boost them through.. My how far we have come.. I thought about going out this year for Black Friday and then found better deals online before the day even came! I thought, "why bother?" it seems silly to chance getting trampled over to get the latest video game in stores when I could get it before or just wait a day or two and buy it online.. So needless to say I will be doing most of my shopping from the comfort of my couch and once again live vicariously through all of the other crazy shoppers out there!

A little something to bend your mind
Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/2
To throw it straight up in the air 

Interesting Link of the Day
Men aren't from Mars?

Song stuck in my head  
Michael Bublé- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

#directmailraleigh #directmaildurham #directmailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Monday, 2 December 2013


 Do you ever think twice before walking under a ladder or while crossing a black cat? Have you ever broken a mirror or stepped on a crack? Those seven years of bad luck to follow most of the myths is a scary thought. I for one often think of what I could have done to cause the luck that I have. Who knows? Most people believe that you make your own luck, I for one don't know how true that is. Assuming luck can also be referred to as Karma I do believe you make your own... If there is one fact in this life it is that you will reap what you sow. A lot of time it is difficult to find the drive that it takes to make this life one worth living but I also have to come to terms with this life will be whatever I make of it, regardless of how difficult the situation you are put in. I am extremely thankful for every challenging moment in my life. Whether these times were viewed as bad luck or not, in hindsight they were stepping stones to prepare me for what would lie ahead. Too often I question myself and what I can handle, maybe the situation is too much or whether I even care enough to push past it. Through this I have found endurance is necessary in every aspect of this world. You are what you make yourself. There will be people telling you that you can't when you can, that you are wrong when you are right and that you are weak when obviously you have been strong enough to get to where you are today. I do believe that you do make your own luck. The question is will you choose to make it positive or negative?

A little something to bend your mind
  How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
 Answer to 11/28 
A Coffin

 Interesting link of the Day
Man sues wife- ugly kids? Yikes!

Song Stuck in my Head  
 Peter Frampton- Baby I Love Your Way

A very special mention
Air Crash Detectives

#signsraleigh #signsdurham #signschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Friday, 29 November 2013

A Day Off

Story of the Day

I wonder who invented structure? Do you feel a little strange when your day is not completely laid out for you? Where there is nothing you absolutely have to do, except take the dog out and feed the kids? A day where you can't be late for something, potter around for hours on end, finish reading the newspaper, drink an extra beer, no where to go. All the chores are done and you are completely caught up on all the reports that you were behind on, you have finished building the flat box furniture that came weeks ago, re-seeded the lawn for next year, planted the bulbs so that spring will be colorful, had the car repaired, waxed and polished, took the trash out, changed all the light bulbs that have burned out, not from over use, but from the inability to turn them off, re-painted the front room the right color, went to the store again because you let the paint brushes dry out again. Washed the windows, pruned the bushes, put up the Christmas lights, folded the laundry, took the kids to their sleepover, went grocery shopping, went to the gym, took the dog out again. When do I go back to work again? I think I need a rest.

Bob Boyle

A Little Something To Bend Your Mind

Chrome Book - 25 Questions


Fun link of the Day 

College Humor


Song Stuck in my Head

My Morning Jacket - Rocket Man

A Very Special Mention

Lonely Oak Radio


Hash Tags of the Day

#bannersraleigh #bannersdurham #bannerschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Re - Inventing the Caveman

Story of the Day

As November draws to a close, or Movember as it has become known around the office, we have 6 committed to going for a prostate or colon inspection. I personally would like to tear my face off but with only a few days left, I will grin and bear it. One of the ironic things that has happened, is the reaction of those in the target group are either unfazed or completely terrified. Those who on the other side generally have an evil laugh, but do show some empathy as many have been saved from further trauma by early intervention. Those too young and most females are full of ridicule is the best possible way of course. As I like to point out we went pink for the cause, without any fuss, so perhaps a little quid pro quo would be nice. For those of you who are still procrastinating it's time to get off the fence because it will be another year before we have to grow those criminal looking things on our faces again. Speaking of which, I have noticed a change in how people react to me, currently, I do have the deranged look of a crazed killer and I understand that slight fear factor that I project. One of the best things that has happened about changing my appearance,  is I have now extended my thoughts to all walks of life and become less judgmental at least for the short term, I am trying to look past the book cover, and see what is inside. 

Bob Boyle

 A Little Something To Bend Your Mind
  Who makes it, has no need of it.
  Who buys it, has no use for it.
  Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
  What is it? 

Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com

Fun link of the Day 


Song Stuck in my Head
Johnny Marr - There Is A Light


A Very Special Mention


#mailraleigh #maildurham #mailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I have always been taught this season is about giving and being thankful. As I have done a little research on our "First Thanksgiving" this year I have learned quite a bit. Where the tradition started and where it is now are in my opinion two separate beliefs. I am thankful that the tradition that I have come to love over the years is that of happiness and family. This also helps me remember those who are not as fortunate as I may be. Too often throughout my day do I think "if only I could...things would be better". I never take the time to say, "I am blessed to be where I am". I think we should take this time and instead of stress and worry about the nonsense of our lives, start living like there may not be another day and we have to make the best of it. Too many times do I see people standing on the side of the road with a sign and immediately think "they should just go get a job". I am so quick to judge without knowing their background or who they really are. I do however always think of how sad it is that they feel that they have no other choice but to basically hold a target that states "judge me". I am sorry that this is a little deep so early but as I sit here this morning after reading these articles I just wanted to voice how important it is to remember we do have it good in this country. I am thankful for the privileges that I was brought up with and the people that have been in my life to teach me to have a soft heart. I feel compelled to give to those less fortunate this season and I hope that you will also.. I hope to bring this into my everyday life as the year ends and a new one begins. I am going to start with the company I work for, Telepathic Graphics. We will be holding a celebration on January 9th, 2014 and there we will also be taking donations of clothing, which started as a "bring your sweaters you may not have wanted from that loving Aunt of yours"...I personally loved the idea because this will happen to most of us! I hope to turn this donation into something much more and together as a company and community I hope we can bring  clothing and our unneeded things collecting dust in attics so that someone else can appreciate them like we once did. So I ask you this year to take a step back and be thankful for everything you have. I know I sure will. I hope you all have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

A little something to bend your mind
  Who makes it, has no need of it.
  Who buys it, has no use for it.
  Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
  What is it? 

Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
 Answer to 11/27 
He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st.

Fun link of the Day
Crazy Facts of Life 

Song Stuck in my Head  
 Bob Marley- Red Red Wine

A very special mention
 Air Crash Detectives

#signsraleigh #signsdurham #signschapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Story of the Day 

 I want to know who hasn't broken a phone once or twice?  I however just so happen to have broken close to ten since I was about 12 years old when I received my first cell phone, which would look somewhat closer to an even too large walkie-talkie these days.. Unfortunately yesterday added to that long list of brokenness. I hate the feeling of not being able to call someone when I need to or look up something on an App if I am curious.. When I was without a cellphone yesterday I felt very strange. Like I was missing a shoe.. or forgot a coat in the middle of winter. How funny the feeling of dependency on something that is relatively new technology. As I was writing directions to the nearest Sprint store I couldn't help but to chuckle trying to think back to the last time I wrote anything down! Everything is on a computer or phone. Where would we be without the World Wide Web? (I for one would probably have a different job seeing how mine revolves around it, haha.) A study done in the UK shows that out of 1000 people 66% of them were afraid to be without their cells phones and 41% says they have more than one. Also in the recording some of the people have what is called "Nomophobia" and they are actually scared to be out of contact with people via a mobile device. How interesting this new age technology has become! Everyday I find myself being challenged by something new and exciting.. Now my latest challenge will be to keep my phone in one piece..

Puzzle of the Day

 When asked about his  birthday a man said,
"The day before yesterday I was only 25 and next year I will turn 28."
This is true only one day in a year - when was he born?

Please Email the answer to Emily@telepathicgraphics.com

The answer to 11/22
Link of the Day

Plastic Jelly Fish?!

Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio

Song of the Day

Air Crash Detectives- The Star That Shines

Hash Tags of the Day

#Printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

Monday, 25 November 2013

Quirky Traditions

Story of the Day 

 As the Thanksgiving holiday creeps near one of my favorite parts is hearing about quirky family traditions, as there are quite a few out there. Most traditions I read about were activity based and seeing how the holiday is mostly based around food it would seem people try and incorporate at least a little physical activity before the food-coma sets in. Some of these traditions have been handed down generations, such as listening to the same song on a radio station at a certain time every year and other traditions being relatively new as family is ever-growing.. Anything to bring the everyone together and remind them they are not alone. I grew up in  a rather large family and every year before Christmas we draw names for stockings. This may not seem too "quirky" to an outsider but as we met tonight it would seem to be taking to the definition. This tradition entails that everyone chooses a couple names out of a pile so no one is left with the grueling task of buying an individual gift for everyone. In the years passed this would only take minutes whereas tonight it took hours. Who would have thought having spouses and children would complicate stockings?! So there we are in the middle of Starbucks laughing and cutting up, turning heads and not caring. Definably, Quirky. I am so thankful for my family and our traditions which are the glue that holds us together. Do you have any quirky or even not so quirky family traditions? Please feel free to tell! Whether it be Mexican dinner the night before or bowling the day after, we all have a tradition of some sort. My favorite being the breaking of the wish-bone, I for one have my thinking cap on! I hope everyone is enjoying their preparations leading up to Thanksgiving! :) 
Puzzle of the Day

Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.

Please Email the answer to Emily@telepathicgraphics.com
The answer to 11/22
 If Sam or Alex had 1 or 10, then they would have solved it straight away. But neither did.

But when Alex discovered that Sam didn't know, he went from not knowing to knowing. So Alex must have had a number where Sam's
answer was crucial.

If Alex had 2, then Sam could have 1 or 3 - and the crucial answer "I don't know your number, either" would have ruled
out 1, leaving 3 as the other number (Solution: 2 and 3)
Now, if Alex had 3, then he would expect Sam to have either 2 or 4. But if Sam had 2, Sam could have guessed the answer already (because Alex had already said he didn't know, so could not have had 1). When Alex discovers that Sam also doesn't know, he can rule out 2 as the answer. (Solution: 3 and 4).

Exactly the same arguments work at the other end of the range, providing the other two solutions: (Solution: 9 and 8) and (Solution: 8 and 7)

Link of the Day
Border Collie Learns Grammar!


Special Mention

Lonely Oaks Radio


Song of the Day
Follow Me- Uncle Kracker

Hash Tags of the Day

#Printraleigh #printdurham #printchapelhill #telepathicgraphics