Is it the smell, the feel of the embossed cover, the color jumping off the page? There is something very comforting about opening the book, that future generations will not experience. Let's face it, the manufacturing of books will decline over the next decade, and the i generation will always see them as an old way of receiving information. However the book has been around for hundreds of years, it holds a comfort level for many, it strengthens your fingers as you try to hold it up right through the most exciting pages, it stops your coffee from marking the coffee table when you are not reading it and it always attracts good speakers at a book store. Children will always get a kick out of their favorite characters rising up off the page, reading their first word or coloring over an already colorful landscape. Teachers and trainers will forever be happy that the simplicity of turning to page 57, will make their lessons go much smoother. And what would a January sale be without 10 books for 10 dollars? As physical newspapers decline into oblivion, I believe the book will thrive and survive, because the experience is more emotional and there is a great attachment to a great read, you want to feel it and touch it. I guess if we really wanted to find out how the book making industry is doing, we should ask the book shelf manufacturers, I would imagine they are still making them, just less of them and a little bit smaller.
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