Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Black Friday

I will never forget Black Friday with all the girls in my family when I was younger. Getting dragged through every single store possible.. Oh the "fun" we would have, ha ha. After a year or two my little sister and I were no longer invited, fancy that. I will always cherish those times as bitter sweet the memories may be. Although we were never the crazed people camped out in front of the stores in 25 degree weather it was still out of bed at 4am! More power to those people though! They deserve that T.V! As I am much older now I understand the tradition of us all going out and having a good time, bonding and such but as the world has evolved there is no need to go out and physically shop anymore. Based on the studies of the recent Black Friday sales, retailers weren't all too happy about the numbers and were hoping on yesterdays 'Cyber Monday' sales to boost them through.. My how far we have come.. I thought about going out this year for Black Friday and then found better deals online before the day even came! I thought, "why bother?" it seems silly to chance getting trampled over to get the latest video game in stores when I could get it before or just wait a day or two and buy it online.. So needless to say I will be doing most of my shopping from the comfort of my couch and once again live vicariously through all of the other crazy shoppers out there!

A little something to bend your mind
Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
  Answer to 12/2
To throw it straight up in the air 

Interesting Link of the Day
Men aren't from Mars?

Song stuck in my head  
Michael Bublé- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio

#directmailraleigh #directmaildurham #directmailchapelhill #telepathicgraphics

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