On my drive home from work, flipping through stations on the radio I hear "..sugar can give you wrinkles". This of course catching my immediate attention I turn it up to hear the woman continue to talk about how a squirt of ketchup can contain as much sugar as a slice of angel food cake! I have never thought of this fact before. I am still not sure which upsets me more, the fact that sugar gives you wrinkles or one of my favorite condiments is probably not as good for me as I thought!! I have always tried to eat healthy (within my budget) buying organic and unprocessed foods whenever possible but ketchup for whatever reason never crossed my mind on something I should be picky with. I did a little research, asked around and found out that most pesticides are used on non-organic tomatoes than any other vegetable and they are the most susceptible as well due to their soft, thin skin. How crazy! Such little details that we so often over look in our fast paced lives are so important to our health and well-being. I am not going to sit here and argue that organic is always better because that is not always the case. No matter the label on the front of something I definitely encourage reading the back one as well. I worked in the Whole Foods bakery for a while and thought it rather amusing the things people would buy just because the label said "organic". Sometimes you just have to realize a muffin is a muffin and neither are good for you... Although working around this quality of food did give me a much better understanding of things that I put in my body I still find myself forgetting how important is truly is to get educated in this area. "Your body is a temple." Hopefully I will be able to live by this and remember to do what is right for myself and my body! Please feel free to give any advice on this subject! You never can know too much about nutrition!!
A little something to bend your mind
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Please email answers to emily@telepathicgraphics.com
Answer to 12/3
Interesting Link of the Day
What babies eat around the World.
Song stuck in my head
Gayla Peevey- I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
I am very sorry about the Christmas music if you aren't a fan but this song is truly stuck in my head! What an amazing voice!
A very special mention
Lonely Oak Radio
#bookletsraleigh #telepathicgraphics
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