Thursday, 19 December 2013

Direct Mail

Story of the Day

Direct Mail has been viewed in many different lights over the last 50 years. It has been seen as a great marketing tool, a waste of resources and a poster child for all that is wrong in the world. I look back over the years at all the things I became involved with as a result of Direct Mail and I have to say it has been a very good experience overall. Some real clangers in there as well! I have bought a house from a postcard I received, I have bought a car, I have had my oil changed, shirts dry cleaned, went on holiday, joined a gym, a soccer team, bought some music and went to see many concerts. I have checked my plumbing for leaks both internal and external and had a colonoscopy in a new doctor's  practice down the road. I have had my teeth whitened, my veins fixed, my haircut, my eyes focused and I have ordered a bizillion pizzas, chinese food etc all from a menu popping through the door. I have gone to church, bought newspaper, a computer and cable services, come to think of it, most of the entertainment I consume whether a new restaurant or bar or movie came from an announcement through my mail box. I also still enjoy getting a Christmas card and a birthday card, 29 again! I like Direct Mail, it is my friend.

Print Tip of the Day

If you have a complicated print project discuss it with your printer, before you find out it is not possible to do it exactly the way you want it

Hash Tags of the Day

#directmailraleigh #directmaildurham #directmailchapelhill

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