Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Dynamite Man

Dressed in his shocking red coveralls, with yellow lightning bolts dotted around his suit, Dynamite Man made a stunning entrance at the county fair, through a fake tunnel, dry ice misting through the  darkness, an old strobe light pulsating, creating an air of anticipation. His assistant prepared the coffin like structure, padded with insulation, and 2 sticks of dynamite strategically placed underneath the structure. Endless drum rolls and hokey trumpets blared out from a cheap boom box. 15 seconds of silence then BANG, Dynamite Man erupts from the coffin like structure 20 feet in the air, loud cheers and lots of clapping ensued. Dynamite Man lay on the ground for what seemed like an eternity, groaning in obvious pain, it became apparent that this was not part of the act. The ambulance arrived about 20 minutes later and the word passed around the remaining crowd was a suspected broken back. The crowd slowly dispersed as they loaded Dynamite Man into the ambulance, after all these years I still remember him, and I also still remember thinking, I'm glad I don't have a job like that.

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