Monday, 23 June 2014

The Value of Print Advertising

Perhaps you’ve heard the media and business soothsayers forecasting the demise of print advertising. “Newspapers are out! Online advertising is the only place to be!” The Internet seems shiny and new compared to newspapers, and a clarion call like this can be compelling. This kind of blanket statement, however, is inaccurate and can lead to missed opportunities.
While the amount of money put into print advertising has diminished, there is still much value to be found—especially for the small business. In fact, the shifting landscape of ad money is part of why print advertising can be so valuable.

A Buyer’s Market

Every dollar that shifts from print to online makes newspapers nervous—they need the ads to fill pages and the money to survive. This decline in customers means you’re likely to experience less competition for customer attention and more bang for your buck from newspapers offering better ad packages as incentive.

The Non-Annoying Ad

One advantage of print advertising that hasn’t changed, however, is its consumer acceptability. I’ll explain.

Consumers find most advertising intrusive, so they attempt to avoid it. They’ll DVR and watch TV shows later just so they can fast forward through commercials. They’ll install software or browser extensions to block pop-ups and render online banner ads invisible. Yet often those same people will actually open a paper to search its ads and coupons. Newspaper ads enjoy a higher acceptance rate among consumers than most other forms of advertising. And higher acceptance means a more positive consumer reaction to your content.

A Captive Audience

This leads directly to my last point—Newspaper ads are one of the best ways to reach consumers that are ready to buy. Many newspaper readers look through ads in their paper with intent, already wanting the information or deals found in ads so that they can make a purchase. Have you ever turned on the TV actually looking for commercials or been happy about pop-up ads you encounter online?

The ENTIRE Toolbox

Every form of advertising has its own advantages, and the best ad campaigns use a combination of formats to reach their target. So the next time you hear someone sounding a death knell for print advertising, feel free to smile. After all, that’s just one more competitor your potential customers won’t see the next time they open their paper and find you.

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