A good business card should convey the overall image of your business -- not easy, considering the card measures only 2 inches by 3.5 inches.
You can't expect your business card to tell the whole story about your company. What you should expect it to do is present a professional image people will remember.
The color, wording and texture of our business card have a lot to do with its appeal and its ability to convey your company image.
Use common sense when you are designing your business card.
If your business markets children's toys and games, you might try using bright, primary colors and words written in child's script. On the other hand, if you run a financial consulting service, then you want your business card to convey professionalism and reliability, so stick to traditional looks such as black printing on a gray, beige or white background.
Of course, professional designers claim entrepreneurs should not try to attempt designing a business card on their own, but many cash-strapped business owners have no other choice.
The best course of action: Look at all the business cards you receive, and emulate the cards that you like. You may have more leeway if you are in a creative business, such as party planning or retailing, but in general, keep the following tips in mind:
Once you've got business cards, make the most of them:
Business cards don't have to be boring. If your industry allows for a little creative flair, here are some ideas to try:
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