Low employee morale can be a serious concern for a business. Unhappy employees can lead to reduced productivity, poor customer service and problems with employee retention. While incentives such as raises, benefits and employee recognition programs can help increase employee morale, if your company is suffering from low morale, it is vital to be able to identify the root causes.
Changing Goals
Constantly changing employee goals can exhaust employees who are trying to do a good job. Being told that something is an important goal is a motivator for good workers, but when they put all their energy and time into accomplishing that goal only to have it discarded for a new goal, the result can be discouragement and a feeling of lack of accomplishment. Employees should be assigned tasks that are possible for them to accomplish, along with clear guidelines about how to accomplish the tasks and a clear indicator of when the tasks' goals are accomplished.
Misunderstood Expectations
Nothing brings down morale like confusion. Employees lacking clear guidance can spend days, weeks or even months on the job not knowing exactly what is expected of them. When this happens they tend to perform poorly by management’s standards and often experience a drop in morale as they begin to believe they are wasting their time and the company's. This problem is easily remedied. When a new employee is hired or a new responsibility is assigned to an existing employee, the hiring manager should make the job expectations clear and arrange for proper training on correct procedures and deadlines. An employee who understands the usefulness and methods of completing his tasks each day will have far higher morale than one who wanders aimlessly or spends time doing things that turn out to be unproductive.
No Open Communication
Creating a workplace in which an open line of communication to management is not available is dangerous to staff morale. Employees often have insight into ways to improve workplace procedures or the company's end product, or may have legitimate issues with problematic procedures or staff. If employees don't feel comfortable approaching a boss, either with ideas or problems, management runs the risk of missing out on creative ideas and having problems fester. Employees should be encouraged to voice their ideas and concerns to management without repercussions. Set up guidelines that let employees know how to privately discuss issues, and never make them feel as though they are doing something wring by doing so.
Wasted Potential
Low morale often results from simply wasting talent. People are often hired for jobs that they are overqualified for or who have a different skill set or interests than what the job requires. When this happens, employees can easily get frustrated or bored with the work, and can end up being more concerned about how to leave the company than how to do a good job. Not only is the resulting lack of productivity and potential turnover bad for business, but it robs a person of the ability to reach her true potential. Finding a more appropriate position for an employee may save both the employee and the company frustration and potential financial loss.
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