Evaluating Your Relationship With Your Print Source
A few questions will determine if you are buying your print needs in a way that benefits you as a customer.
1.How effective are the products you bought, are they used in the manner in which they were intended?
Agree or Disagree?
2.Commodity print needs are met very well by today's print sources.
Agree or Disagree?
3.Repeat business can be reliable but stale.
Agree or Disagree?
Are you up for the print stress test?
Agree or Disagree?
Please grade yourself on a 1-5 scale. 1 = Fat and Happy 2 = Don't have time to change 3 = Why should I care 4 = I think I know the market 5 = I am the best print buyer in the world
1.Do you have a good relationship with your print provider?
2.Is your print provider local and responsive?
3.Can you get something complex printed and delivered in 24 to 48 hours?
4.Is quality taken for granted?
5.Is price a factor when buying?
6.Would you consider an alternative source for your print needs?
7.Have you ever asked for a solution to a print buying problem?
1-25 Ask for help!
25-Over Please help me!